MQL4 Book  Standard Functions  Graphical Objects

Graphical Objects

Graphical object is an image in the symbol window; it can be selected, moved, modified or deleted.

Graphical objects include, for example, horizontal and vertical lines, linear regression channel, Fibonacci levels, rectangle, text mark, etc. Such images as indicator lines, indicator levels, candlesticks, comments written by the Comment() function and others cannot be selected and deleted, that is why they do not belong to graphical objects.

Graphical object are drawn by the client terminal in a security window in accordance with preset coordinates. Each graphical object depending on its type has one, two or three coordinates and other adjustable parameters. Any graphical object can be placed in a chart window manually (from the toolbar of a system menu), and also as a result of the execution of an application program started in the same window, including an Expert Advisor, script or custom indicator. Type and location of a graphical object can be modified manually or by a program sending new values of coordinates and other parameters to a graphical object.

Ways of Positioning Graphical Objects

There are two ways of positioning objects accepted in MQL4: relative to a chart and relative to a security window. To illustrate the difference between these methods, let us place manually two objects in a security window: text (OBJ_TEXT) and a text mark (OBJ_LABEL). We can use A and T buttons from the toolbar of the client terminal. Let us set the window size so that it is equal to half of screen size (Fig. 134). Let us see how these graphical objects will react to the window size changes (as well as to the horizontal and vertical scaling of the price chart).

Fig. 134. Graphical objects with different methods of positioning in a security window.

Positioning Relative to a Chart Window

The graphical object OBJ_LABEL will remain immovable if a window size is changed by way of shifting its right or lower borders. But if the window size is changed by shifting its upper or lower border, the object will be also shifted, though the position of the object relative to these borders will remain unchanged. This happens because OBJ_LABEL is positioned relative to security window borders. In this case the reference point of the graphical object to a security window is the upper left corner of a chart6 window. Coordinates of the object relative to the indicated point are set in pixels - 193 and 48 (Fig. 135).

Fig. 135. Settings of the graphical object OBJ_LABEL.

The reference point of the object coordinates (in this case) is the upper left corner of a cursor frame visible when selected by a mouse. In the upper left corner of the cursor frame you can see a small point indicating the settings of this graphical object. If another reference point is indicated, the point in the cursor frame will be indicated in another corner.

When new bars appear in a chart window, an object like OBJ_LABEL will remain immovable in the window. Using of this object is convenient if it is necessary to display text information of general character, for example, information about termination of trading, value of a limiting distance changed by a broker, etc.

Positioning Relative to a Chart

At any method of windows size changing, as well as at chart scaling, an object of OBJ_TEXT type does not change its position relative to a chart. The reference point of such an object is the middle of the upper line of a cursor frame, its X coordinate is time, Y coordinate is a security price (Fig. 136).

Fig. 136. Settings of the graphical object OBJ_TEXT.

As new bars appear in a chart window, the position of OBJ_TEXT does not change relative to a chart, i.e. with the appearance of new bars the object will be shifted to the left together with the chart; and when there will be enough bars, the object will move further to the left out of the window borders.

This or that method of positioning the own property of a certain object type and cannot be changed by a user, even in a program way. The majority of graphical objects is positioned relative to a chart, i.e. in time and price coordinates.

Creating Graphical Objects and Changing Their Properties

To create a graphical object means to place in a chart window one of objects of predefined types (see Types and Properties of Graphical Objects). For object creation the following function is used:

ObjectCreate() Function

bool ObjectCreate(string name, int type, int window, datetime time1, double price1, datetime time2=0, 
price2=0, datetime time3=0, double price3=0)

The function creates an object of an indicated type with a preset name and coordinates in the indicated chart subwindow. Number of the object coordinates can be from 1 to 3 depending on the object type. If an object is successfully created, the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE. To get additional information about an error call the GetLastError() function.

Coordinates must be passed in pairs - time and price. For example OBJ_VLINE needs only time, but price should also be passed (any value). Graphical object of OBJ_LABEL type ignores coordinates specified in the function; to set OBJPROP_XDISTANCE and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE of this object the ObjectSet() function must be used.


  • name - object name;
  • type - object type (can be one of predefined object types);
  • window - number of window into which an object will be added. Numeration of chart subwindows (if there are subwindows with indicators present) starts from 1, the number of the main window is always 0; the indicated widow number must be larger than or equal to 0 and less than the value returned by the WindowsTotal() function;
  • time1 - time of the first coordinate;
  • price1 - price of the first coordinate;
  • time2 - time of the second coordinate;
  • price2 - price of the second coordinate;
  • time3 - time of the third coordinate;
  • price3 - price of the third coordinate.

Each graphical object has some (peculiar to it) adjustable parameters. For example, besides defined coordinates, you can specify color, message text (for some objects), line styles (for other objects), etc. For changing properties use the following function:

ObjectSet() Function

bool ObjectSet(string name, int prop_id, double value)

The function changes the value of the indicated object property. In case of success the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE. To get the error information call the GetLastError() function.


  • name - object name;
  • prop_id - object properties identifier (one of object properties is indicated);
  • value - new value of the indicated property.

All graphical objects may have a text description. The text description of each object is available to a user and can be changed from an object properties toolbar or in a programmed way. For OBJ_TEXT and OBJ_LABEL this description is their main contents and and is always displayed as a text line, text descriptions of other objects are displayed near the object if the option "Show object descriptions" is enabled in a symbol properties window (F8). To change the text description the following function is used:

ObjectSetText() Function

bool ObjectSetText(string name, string text, int font_size, string font_name=NULL, color text_color=CLR_NONE)

The function is used for changing an object description. In case of success TRUE is returned, otherwise - FALSE. To get the error information call the GetLastError() function. Parameters font_size, font_name and text_color are used only for OBJ_TEXT and OBJ_LABEL. For objects of other types these parameters are ignored.


  • name - object name;
  • text - object description text;
  • font_size - font size in points;
  • font_name - font name;
  • text_color - text color.

Lets us analyze an example of an Expert Advisor,in which functions of managing graphical objects are used.

Problem 32. Using a graphical object inform a user about trading criteria defined on the basis of MACD values.

MACD is very often used by traders for the formation of trading criteria. The indicator is represented by two lines - main and signal. A trading criteria is considered to be realized when the lines cross. If the main indicator line (usually gray histogram) crosses the signal line (usually red dotted line) downwards, this is a signal to sell, id upwards - to buy. In intervals between line crossing market orders should be held open, and when a contrary criterion triggers, the orders should be closed and opposite once opened. Thus four message types should be prepared: opening of Buy, opening of Sell, holding of Buy, holding of Sell.

In this problem all messages are mutually exclusive, i.e. the situation when two or more messages should be shown is impossible. That is why in this case one graphical object can be used; the object will be always present on th screen, but it will be changed from time to time. Let us draw this object in the upper right corner of the window, in which the EA will operate. Since the object position should not be changed, it is convenient to use an object of OBJ_LABEL type, because it is positioned relative to a chart window.

As a solution of Problem 32 let us view the EA grafobjects.mq4 using the graphical object OBJ_LABEL:

// grafobjects.mq4
// The code should be used for educational purpose only.
int start() // Special function start
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --
int Sit;
double MACD_M_0,MACD_M_1, // Main line, 0 and 1st bar
MACD_S_0,MACD_S_1; // Signal line, 0 and 1st bar
string Text[4]; // Declaring a string array
color Color[4]; // Declaring an array of colors

Text[0]= "Opening of Buy"; // Text for different situations
Text[1]= "Opening of Sell";
Text[2]= "Holding of Buy";
Text[3]= "Holding of Sell";

Color[0]= DeepSkyBlue; // Object color ..
Color[1]= LightPink; // .. for different situations
Color[2]= Yellow;
Color[3]= Yellow;
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --
ObjectCreate("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);// Creating obj.
ObjectSet("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1); // Reference corner
ObjectSet("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);// X coordinate
ObjectSet("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15);// Y coordinate
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 --
MACD_M_0 =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0); // 0 bar
MACD_S_0 =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_SIGNAL,0);// 0 bar
MACD_M_1 =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,1); // 1 bar
MACD_S_1 =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_SIGNAL,1);// 1 bar
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --
// Analyzing situation
if(MACD_M_1=MACD_S_0) // Crossing upwards
if(MACD_M_1>MACD_S_1 && MACD_M_0<=MACD_S_0)// Crossing downwards
if(MACD_M_1>MACD_S_1 && MACD_M_0>MACD_S_0) // Main above signal

In the EA block 1-2 parameters are defined, in particular element values of Text[] and Color[] are set. Further they are used for changing object properties. In the block 2-3 the object is created and values of some its properties are set. Let us analyze this block in details. According to this EA code line a graphical object is created in the window, in which the EA is executed:

   ObjectCreate("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);// Creating obj.

"Label_Obj_MACD" value denotes that this name is assigned to the object (a name is assigned to an object by a programmer in his own discretion). OBJ_LABEL - is the object type identifier; it denotes that the created object will be of exactly this type (chosen from the list of possible types). The first of the next three zeros denotes that the object is created in the main window (the main window where the chart is displayed, always has the index 0).

The next two zeros set coordinates for the created object. According to this coordinated the object will be drawn in the indicated window. In this case the created OBJ_LABEL does not use time and price coordinates. Please note that in OjectCreate() description only time and price coordinates are specified. Moreover, coordinates of the second and the third pairs have default values, while there are no default values for the first pair of coordinates. It means that though OBJ_LABEL does not need time and price coordinates at all, some values must be specified in ObjectCreate() function call. In this case zeros are indicated, though any other values can be written - anyway these values will be neglected during the setup of OBJ_LABEL properties.

In the next three lines some property values are set to the earlier created object named Label_Obj_MACD:

   ObjectSet("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);    // Reference corner
ObjectSet("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);// X coordinate
ObjectSet("Label_Obj_MACD", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15);// Y coordinate

For the reference corner (OBJPROP_CORNER) 1 is set, which means the upper right corner of the earlier defined main window. In the next two lines distances from the object to a reference corner are set on pixels: horizontal distance (OBJPROP_XDISTANCE) 10 pixels and vertical distance (OBJPROP_YDISTANCE) 15 pixels. At this program execution stage the object is already created, has its unique name and defined main properties.

To make the object show a necessary text, first we need to calculate what this text should look like. For this purpose first in block 3-4 the position of MACD lines is detected on the current and previous bars, then in block 4-5 Sit value corresponding to the current situation is calculated (see also Fig. 107 and callstohastic.mq4)

In the next line object properties depending on the current situation are defined:

                                       // Changing object properties

As a result of ObjectSetText() execution a text description is assigned to the object named Label_Obj_MACD - the value of the string variable Text[Sit]. This value will be different for different situations depending on values of Sit variable. For example, if the main line crosses the signal one downwards, in block 4-5 Sit gets the value 1, as a result the graphical object will get the text description contained in the Text[1] array element, i.e. "Opening of Sell". Other parameters: 10, "Arial" and Color[Sit] denote font size, name and color for the text description.

As a result of the EA execution the following will appear in EURUSD window:

Fig. 137. Result of the EA grafobjects.mq4 operation at the moment when criterion to sell triggers.

In Fig. 137 there is a main window and MACD subwindow. It should be noted here that for a normal EA operation presence of this indicator on the symbol window is not necessary, because trading criteria in the EA are calculated as a result of a technical indicator function execution which is not connected with the indicator displaying. Here the indicator is shown only for visual explanation of the moment of a trading criterion triggering when the necessary text description of the graphical object is shown. The EA will operate in the similar way at all other combinations of the mutual position of indicator lines each time showing a description corresponding to a situation.

Deleting Graphical Objects

The analyzed Expert Advisor grafobjects.mq4 has a small disadvantage. After the EA stops operating, a graphical object will remain in the chart window (his properties will remain the same as at t he moment of its last change). Graphical objects are not deleted automatically. In course of trading starting from a certain moment the message "Opening of Sell" will not be valid. In order not to misinform a user the graphical object must be deleted.

For deleting a graphical object (irrespective of its creation method - programmed or manual) simply select it and press the Delete key. However, as for programming, it should be noted that a correctly written program must "clear" the window when its operation is over. In other words, a program should contain a block where all graphical objects created by the program are deleted.

ObjectDelete() Function

bool ObjectDelete(string name)

deleting an object with the indicated name. If an object is successfully deleted, the function returns TRUE, otherwise - FALSE. To get the error information call the GetLastError() function..


  • name - name of a deleted object.

It is very easy to use ObjectDelete(): simply indicate the name of an object to delete.

To fix the disadvantage of the previous example, let us add into the EA grafobjects.mq4 the special function deinit() containing the function for deleting objects:

//--------------------------------------------------------------- 7 --
int deinit() // Special function deinit
ObjectDelete("Label_Obj_MACD"); // Object deletion
return; // Exit deinit()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 8 --

Now, during the EA execution the object named Label_Obj_MACD will be deleted. Generally a program can create numerous objects. Each of them can be deleted according to the algorithm.

Modifying Graphical Objects

In some cases it is necessary to change an object position in a chart window in a program way. Very often such a necessity may occur because of the appearance of new bars. For example, trading criteria in an EA can be formed on the basis of a linear regression channel built on a bar history of a certain length (for example, last 50 bars). If we simply draw the object "linear regression channel" in a chart window and then do not undertake anything, it will remain on the same chart place where it was positioned and it will be shifted to the left as new bars appear. To prevent the object from shifting it should be redrawn at each new bar. For this purpose new coordinates must be calculated and passed to the object; in accordance with these coordinates the object will be drawn in a chart widow.

For finding out what properties a graphical object has at the current moment, the following function should be used:

ObjectGet() Function

double ObjectGet(string name, int prop_id)

the function returns the value of the specified object property. To get the error information call the GetLastError() function.


  • name - object name;
  • prop_id - object property identifier. Can be any value from the list of object properties.

New coordinates are reported to an object using the ObjectMove() function.

ObjectMove() Function

bool ObjectMove(string name, int point, datetime time1, double price1)

Changing one of coordinates on a chart. The function returns TRUE in case of success, otherwise - FALSE. To get additional information call the FetLast Error() function. Numeration of an object coordinates starts from 0.


  • name - object name;
  • point - coordinate index (0-2);
  • time1 - new time value;
  • price1 - new price value.

Problem 33. Create a program (an Expert Advisor) supporting the drawing of a linear regression channel for the last 50 bars.

The graphical object "linear regression channel" uses two time coordinates. Price coordinates (if such are specified in the program) are neglected by the client terminal during the object construction. The linear regression channel is calculated by the client terminal based on historic price data and therefore cannot be displayed aside from a chart. That is why the absence of the object binding to price (ignoring of price coordinates by the terminal) is the object's own constant property. Th Expert Advisor (moveobjects.mq4) managing the position of a graphical object can have the following code:

// moveobjects.mq4
// The code should be used for educational purpose only.
extern int Len_Cn=50; // Channel length (bars)
extern color Col_Cn=Orange; // Channel color
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --
int init() // Special function init()
Create(); // Calling user-def. func. of creation
return; // Exit init()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --
int start() // Special function start()
datetime T2; // Second time coordinate
int Error; // Error code
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 --
T2=ObjectGet("Obj_Reg_Ch",OBJPROP_TIME2);// Requesting t2 coord.
Error=GetLastError(); // Getting an error code
if (Error==4202) // If no object :(
Alert("Regression channel is being managed",
"\n Book_expert_82_2. deletion prohibited.");
Create(); // Calling user-def. func. of creation
T2=Time[0]; // Current value of t2 coordinate
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --
if (T2!=Time[0]) // If object is not in its place
ObjectMove("Obj_Reg_Ch", 0, Time[Len_Cn-1],0); //New t1 coord.
ObjectMove("Obj_Reg_Ch", 1, Time[0], 0); //New t2 coord.
WindowRedraw(); // Redrawing the image
return; // Exit start()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 5 --
int deinit() // Special function deinit()
ObjectDelete("Obj_Reg_Ch"); // Deleting the object
return; // Exit deinit()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 6 --
int Create() // User-defined function..
{ // ..of object creation
datetime T1=Time[Len_Cn-1]; // Defining 1st time coord.
datetime T2=Time[0]; // Defining 2nd time coord.
ObjectCreate("Obj_Reg_Ch",OBJ_REGRESSION,0,T1,0,T2,0);// Creation
ObjectSet( "Obj_Reg_Ch", OBJPROP_COLOR, Col_Cn); // Color
ObjectSet( "Obj_Reg_Ch", OBJPROP_RAY, false); // Ray
ObjectSet( "Obj_Reg_Ch", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASH);// Style
ObjectSetText("Obj_Reg_Ch","Created by the EA moveobjects",10);
WindowRedraw(); // Image redrawing
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 7 --

The moveobjects.mq4 EA algorithm implies that an object attached once will remain on the screen during the whole time of the program execution. In such cases it is reasonable to use a user defined function (in this case it is Create(), block 6-7) for an object creation, the function can му called from the program anytime when needed. To draw an object two time coordinates are necessary (T1 is the coordinate of the object's left border, T2 - that of the right border):

   datetime T1 = Time[Len_Cn-1];       // Defining 1st time coord.
datetime T2 = Time[0]; // Defining 2nd time coord.

In this example the right border of the object must always be on the zero bar, that is why the value of the second coordinate corresponds to the opening time of the zero bar. The left coordinate is calculated according to the number of bars set by a user (external variable Len_Cn) and is defined as the opening time of a bar with the corresponding index. For example, if the channel length is 50 bars, the left coordinate will be equal to the opening time of a bar with the index 49.

In the next lines of the user-defined function Create() the OBJ_REGRESSION object is created using ObjectCreate(), then necessary properties of the created object are set up by the ObjectSet() function (color preset by a user in an external variable, prohibited to draw as a ray, line style - dotted). In the line:

   ObjectSetText("Obj_Reg_Ch","Created by the EA moveobjects",10);

a text description is assigned to the object. As distinct from the earlier analyzed OBJ_LABEL, the text description of OBJ_REGRESSION is not displayed. The text description of graphical objects can be viewed in the object properties tab. This is very convenient in practical application for differentiating between objects created in a program way from those attached manually:

Fig. 138. Common properties of the graphical object "linear regression channel" created by the EA moveobjects.mq4.

Here is one more function used for redrawing of the current chart:

   WindowRedraw();                     // Image redrawing

WindowRedraw() Function

void WindowRedraw()

The function forcibly redraws the current chart. Usually it is used after object properties are changed.

Normally, the graphical objects are displayed by the client terminal in the sequence of incoming of new ticks. This is why, if we don't use WindowRedraw(), the changes in the object properties become visible to the user at the next tick, i.e., the displaying is always one tick late. The use of WindowRedraw() allows you to forcibly redraw all objects at a necessary moment, for example, immediately after the object properties have been changed. In a general case, if the properties of several objects are changed in the program, it is sufficient to use the function WindowRedraw() only once, after the properties of the last of the objects have been changed.

The user-defined function is first called from the special function init(). At the moment of attaching the EA to the symbol window, the execution of init() will start, which results in that the graphical object Linear Regression Channel will be displayed in the symbol window.

Two possible situations are considered in the function start(): (1) the object has been occasionally deleted by the user (block 3-4) and (2) it is necessary to move the object to the right when a new zero bar is formed (block 4-5). To detect whether the graphical object is available at the current moment, it is sufficient just to request the value of one of its coordinates. If the object exists, the function ObjectGet() will return a certain value that corresponds with the requested coordinate and the function GetLastError() will return zero value (i.e., no error occurred when requesting the coordinate). However, if there is no object of the given name in the symbol window, the function GetLastError() will return the code of error 4202, i.e., no object available:

   T2=ObjectGet("Obj_Reg_Ch",OBJPROP_TIME2);     // Requesting t2 coord.
Error=GetLastError(); // Getting an error code

If the error analysis showed that there were no object of that name, it means the program must create it, having notified the user about inadmissible actions (the program doesn't delete objects, it means that the object has been deleted by the user). This is why, after having displayed the message, the program calls to the previously considered user-defined function Create(), which results in a new creation of the object in the symbol window.

By the moment of the execution of the next block (4-5), the graphical object has already been created. To decide whether it must be moved, you should know the position of the object at the current moment. For this purpose, it is sufficient to analyze the previously obtained value of the first coordinate of the object. If this value doesn't coincide with the time of opening zero bar, to assign new coordinates to the object.

The coordinates are changed using the function ObjectMove():

   ObjectMove("Obj_Reg_Ch", 0, Time[Len_Cn-1],0); //New t1 coord.
ObjectMove("Obj_Reg_Ch", 1, Time[0], 0); //New t1 coord.

Here, for the first coordinate (coordinate 0) of the object named Obj_Reg_Ch, the value of Time[Len_Cn-1] will be set, whereas for the second coordinate (coordinate 1) -Time[0]. The last parameters among those transferred to the function ObjectMove() is specified the parameter 0. This is the coordinate of the price that, according to the function description, must be transferred, but, in this case, will be ignored by the client terminal. As a result of execution of these lines, the properties of the considered graphical object will be changed. As a result of the next execution of the function WindowRedraw(), the graphical object will be forcibly redrawn by the client terminal - now according to the new values of the coordinates.

Thus, at the execution of the function start(), the graphical object Linear Regression Channel will be redrawn by the client terminal each time when a new bar forms, at its very first tick (see Fig. 139). After the execution of the EA has ended, the given graphical object will be deleted from the symbol window during execution of the special function deinit() (i.e., the program will "sweep out" its working place after the work has been finished).

Fig. 139. Displaying of the Linear Regression Channel at the execution of the EA moveobjects.mq4.

In a general case, you can create and delete graphical objects according to some conditions calculated in the program. You can display the support/resistance lines (OBJ_TREND), mark the time of approaching important events with vertical lines (OBJ_VLINE), indicate the intersections of various lines or the forecast price movements using text objects (OBJ_LABEL and OBJ_TEXT), etc.

It must be noted separately that, in a number of cases, there is no need to use graphical objects. For example, if you want to display in the screen a great variety of simple one-type images (for example, arrows), you can use indicator lines for this, having set their styles in the corresponding way. This approach will free you from the necessity to track many coordinates of objects in the program, it will also prevent you from occasional deletion of an image (the signs that display indicator lines can be neither selected nor deleted).

Functions for Working with Graphical Objects

Function Summary Info
ObjectCreate Creating an object with predefined name, type and initial coordinates in the indicated chart subwindow. number of object coordinates can be from 1 to 3 depending on the object type. In case of success the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
ObjectDelete Deleting an object with the indicated name. In case of success the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
ObjectDescription The function returns the object description. It returns for objects of the OBJ_TEXT and OBJ_LABEL types the text displayed in these objects.
ObjectFind The function searches for the object of the given name. The function returns the index of the window, to which the searched object belongs. In case of failure, the function returns -1.
ObjectGet The function returns the value of the given property of the object.
ObjectGetFiboDescription The function returns the description of the Fibo object level. The amount of levels depends on the type of the object that belongs to the group of Fibo objects. The maximum amount of levels is 32.
ObjectGetShiftByValue The functions calculates and returns the bar number (the shift relative to the current bar) for the given price. The bar number is calculated using a linear equation for the first and second coordinates. It is used for trend lines and similar objects.
ObjectGetValueByShift The functions calculates and returns the price value for the given bar (the shift relative to the current bar). The price value is calculated using a linear equation for the first and second coordinates. It is used for trend lines and similar objects.
ObjectMove Changing one of object coordinates on a chart. Objects can have from one to three anchoring points according to the object type. In case of success, the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
ObjectName The function returns the object name according to its order number in the list of objects.
ObjectsDeleteAll Deleting all object of the indicated type in the indicated chart subwindow. The function returns the number of deleted objects.
ObjectSet Changing properties of an indicated object. In case of success the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
ObjectSetFiboDescription The function assigns a new value to Fibonacci level. Number of levels depends on Fibonacci object type. Maximal number of levels is 32.
ObjectSetText Changing object description. For objects OBJ_TEXT and OBJ_LABEL this description is displayed on a chart as a text line. In case of success the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
ObjectsTotal Returns the total number of objects of the indicated type on a chart.
ObjectType The function returns the type of an indicated object.

For the detailed description of these and other functions, please refer to Documentation at, MetaQuotes Ltd. website or to "Help" section in MetaEditor.