Assignment Operator
The assignment operator is the simplest and the most commonly used operator.
Format of the Assignment Operator
Assignment operator represents a record that contains character "=" (equality sign). To the left of this equality sign we specify the name of a variable, to the right of it we give an expression. The assignment operator is ended with ";" (semicolon).
Variable = Expression; // Assignment operator
You can distinguish the assignment operator from other lines in the text of the program by the presence of the equality sign.
You can specify as an expression: a constant, a variable, a function call, or an expression as such.
Execution of the Assignment Operator
Calculate the value of the expression to the right from the equality sign and assign the obtained value to the variable specified to the left of the equality sign. |
The assignment operator, like any other operator, is executable. This means that the record composing the assignment operator is executed according to the rule.
When executing the operator, the value of the right part is calculated and then assigned to the variable to the left of the equality sign. As a result of execution of the assignment operator, the variable in the left part always takes a new value;
this value can be other than or the same as the preceding value of the variable.
The expression in the right part of the assignment operator is calculated according to the order of operations (see Operations and Expressions).
Examples of Assignment Operators
In an assignment operator, it is allowed to declare the type of a variable to the left of the equality sign:
int In = 3;
double Do = 2.0;
bool Bo = true;
color Co = 0x008000;
string St = "sss";
datetime Da= D'01.01.2004';
The previously declared variables are used in an assignment operator without specifying their types.
In = 7;
Do = 23.5;
Bo = 0;
In an assignment operator, the type of a variable is not allowed to be declared in the right part of equality sign:
In = int In_2; // Variable type may not be declared in the right part
Do = double Do_2; // Variable type may not be declared in the right part
In an assignment operator, the type of a variable is not allowed to be repeatedly declared.
int In; // Declaration of the type of variable In
int In = In_2; // The repeated declaration of the type of the variable (In) is not allowed
Examples of using the user-defined and standard functions in the right part:
In = My_Function();
Do = Gipo(Do1,Do1);
Bo = IsConnected();
St = ObjectName(0);
Da = TimeCurrent();
The example of using expressions in the right part:
In = (My_Function()+In2)/2;
Do = MathAbs(Do1+Gipo(Do2,5)+2.5);
In calculations in the assignment operator, the typecasting rules are applicable (see Typecasting).
Examples of Assignment Operators in a Short Form
In MQL4, a short form of composing the assignment operators is used, as well. It is the form of assignment operators where we use assignment operations other than assignment operation "=" (equality sign) (see Operations and Expressions). The short-form operators undergo the same rules and limitations. The short form of the assignment operators is used in the code for better visualization. A programmer may, at his or her option, use one or another form of the assignment operator.
Any short-form assignment operator can be easily re-written as a normal, full-format assignment operator,
the result of its execution being absolutely unchanged.
In /= 33;
In = In/33;
St += "_exp7";
St = St + "_exp7";